Saxlund has provided the complete storage, discharging, conveying and metering facilities as well as the electrical control equipment. The imported sludge cake is delivered by tipping truck to a reception bunker equipped with Saxlund Push Floor Discharge. It is fed efficiently via the combined discharge/pre-press screw to both Saxlund Duplex Solids Handling Pump. The pumps convey the sewage sludge to the storage silo. From the storage silo, the sewage sludge is pumped via the reliable SAXLUND Sliding Frame discharge and Solids Handling Pump via distributor valves into 3 dryers.
For the protection of the following machines, a foreign body separator is installed in the pressure pipeline and retrains foreign parts exceeding 30mm. To prevent loss of pressure, the long piping has been fitted with a lubricant dosing device. Every silo is fitted with a continuous level indicator, CH4 monitoring instrument and a ventilation system for the biogas.
For the incineration plant, VERA Saxlund had delivered 3 Push Floor Dosing boxes for screenings in 1995.